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Monday 25 May 2015

Sixtyone, Montcalm Hotel, 61 Upper Berkeley Street, London W1H 7PP

Sixtyone, Montcalm Hotel, 61 Upper Berkeley Street, London W1H 7PP

She said: After the Bupa 10K jaunt through London I needed a food-related reward so we headed to this easily-missed spot half way along Upper Berkeley Street. A picture of their chocolate pudding in a magazine was what had alerted me to Sixtyone in the first place. Initial impressions were good – a bright, contemporary room with a three-course set menu for an impressive £22. I have to say, the goodness continued throughout. My crab ravioli was good, the cod main course succulent and the caramel tart a fine way to finish. Service was friendly and the whole experience made this a solid spot for a relaxed or business meal. My only reservation is that although the food was good, it was not quite amazing. The cod was more salty than it needed to be, the ravioli was ‘nice’ but something missing and likewise for the pudding. That said, given the great value, I’ll take good.

He said: this is definitely not the hot new table in town. No one is talking about Sixtyone, but you could do a hell of a lot worse in London. We only took a chance, despite my hotel restaurant phobia, because we're local-ish and we'd walked passed a bunch of times before. And I'm really glad we did; for £22 each for three courses of excellent modern British food this is really great value. The kitchen is imaginative with the flavours and presentation, maybe sometimes pushing the boat a little too far (my desert was more clever presentation than ease of consumption) but the enthusiasm of the cooking makes up for any such minor glitches. I really struggle to think of any other restaurants you might bring your folks to that represent better value.

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